Term Limits
Federal Term Limits
Executive Branch
POTUS Term Limits shall remain at 2 consecutive terms, with the following provision:
Any POTUS who has served 2 consecutive terms, may be reelected for additional terms, so long as all votes are write in votes and meet all other requirements for becoming the lawfully elected POTUS
The 2 term or longer POTUS, may not actively campaign, promote their candidacy, or otherwise insinuate their interest in consecutive terms other than acknowledging the following: “If the American People deem, I should be POTUS for another term I shall to the best of my ability carry out the duties and responsibilities of the office of President of the United States.”
Any overt statements of interest in candidacy will result in 25th Amendment Actions being taken against the POTUS and charges of Treason to be filed
Once a 2 term POTUS has made the above statement once, no further inquiries shall be allowed by media, interviewers, or pundits to the 2 term POTUS
The 2 term POTUS may participate in debates during the General Election Cycle so that their policies can be compared and contrasted fairly with other candidates
Legislative Branch
The House of Representatives shall have a total term limit allowance of 6 terms
The United States Senate shall have a total term limit of 2 terms
Judicial Branch
Article III of the Constitution states that these judicial officers are appointed for a life term, however, shall accept mandatory retirement after 12 years of service
State Term Limits
Executive Branch
States that do not currently have term limits for their Executive Branch shall institute a 2 term limit as a minimum
Legislative Branch
States that do not currently have term limits for their Legislative Branch shall institute a combined 12 years of service as a minimum term limit
Judicial Branch
States that do not currently have term limits for their Judicial Branch shall institute a combined 12 years of service as a minimum term limit
County and Local Term Limits
Executive Branch
Counties, and Local Governments that do not currently have term limits for their Executive Branch shall institute a 2 term limit as a minimum
Legislative Branch
Counties, and Local Governments that do not currently have term limits for their Legislative Branch shall institute a combined 12 years of service as a minimum term limit
Judicial Branch
Counties, and Local Governments that do not currently have term limits for their Judicial Branch shall institute a combined 12 years of service as a minimum term limit