Force Structure
National Defense Initiatives
National Defense priorities must revolve around resolving military intervention, involvement, and engagement with the fewest civilian casualties, and within a period of 12 months
Engagements that exceed 12 months must have provisions to de-escalate or allow for culmination of events within a specific timeline
Research and development of cyber warfare, and defense systems to prepare for the future of military conflict
Research and development of anti-missile, anti-nuclear, and anti-biochemical systems
Reduction of global nuclear arsenals
De-radicalizing home grown domestic terrorist originations, and prevention of domestic terror organizations
Military Base Spending
Modernize all military facilities with fiber optic internet, and clean energy power sources respective to their geolocation
Improve quarters, facilities, and other working spaces to meet modern construction standards
Establish, or expand medical services, childcare services, base housing, and barracks
Military Personnel Spending, Standards
Promotion Qualifications
Implement new criteria for becoming a commissioned officer with the following
Must have achieved enlisted rank of E5 and held it for a period of 2 years or more
Recommendation from unit
Recommendation from commander
All current commissioned officers shall be considered grandfathered into the officer corps but must obtain unit and commander recommendations for promotion in addition to existing promotion criteria established by the DoD and the respective departments
Promotions into the NCO and CO corps shall have leadership, and skilled paths to take
In order to qualify for positions of leadership, prospects must
Have leadership experience
Be able to earn the respect of their peers
Be able to lead by example
Be capable of handling leadership tasks and responsibilities
Must be willing to promote others above and beyond their own station
In order to qualify for skilled positions, prospects must
Meet technical proficiencies
Be able to train subordinates
Be able to direct subordinates
Be able to perform at a skill level or rank 1 higher than their own
Must be willing to promote others above and beyond their own station
Performance Reviews
Performance reviews shall be designed to reflect the promotion path the servicemember has chosen to pursue
Servicemembers may change their career path direction after a performance review has been given
Performance Reviews for junior enlisted, and junior officers shall default to Skilled Path
Criteria set for each version of review shall be universal across the DoD
Criteria that are generic across the DoD shall be Meets, or Does not Meet
Criteria that are no relevant to the version of review shall be Meets, or Does not Meet
For example technical proficiency for a leadership review shall be Meets, or Does not Meet
Fitness Standards
Fitness Standards shall be relevant to the career field the servicemember is in
Fitness Standards shall take age into consideration at 5-year intervals not 10
Fitness Tests shall be administered too all military personnel regardless of rank, duty, or responsibility, allowing for excusals, or medically approved adjustments
Acclimation standards shall be expanded for a period of 12 months
Evaluation and research shall be continuously conducted to determine long term effects of serving in different climates, elevations, etc.
Deployment Readiness
There shall be a separation of CONUS and OCONUS support structure
CONUS servicemembers in non-critical fields shall be restructured into non-deployable personnel, and services
OCONUS servicemembers shall all be considered Deployable assets, and must adhere to deployment readiness standards
To ensure fairness in our deployment structure, OCONUS servicemembers who have deployed shall be given priority to transfer to CONUS duty stations
To ensure fairness in our deployment structure, any CONUS servicemembers may volunteer for deployment rotations but shall never be mandated
Deployment readiness documentation shall be kept and maintained in a digital format standard across the DoD
Issued Equipment
When determining combatant needs in a warzone, or deployed location, safety shall take top priority
All personnel shall be issued high quality gear for their respective deployment needs
Development of higher quality protective equipment shall be the ongoing mission of military research and development whether within the DoD or from private contractors
Liability shall always be borne by the entities who developed the product
Uniform allowances shall be increased to $500/year
Requirements for uniform issuance shall be standard across the DoD
Being mandated to don a uniform that isn’t normally required for a service member shall be issued to the service member, at no charge.
Military Benefits
GI Bill
The Gi Bill shall once again be allowed to be
Cashed out for the cost of 4 years of Full Time Tuition at a public institution, or $48,000 whichever is greater
Be converted into a down payment for a home loan at a rate of 25% the value of the loan, or $48,000 whichever is greater
Be converted into a down payment for a business loan at a rate of 25% the value of the loan, or $48,000 whichever is greater
Be transferred to a dependent, regardless of years of service
Have no expiry date
Shall be retroactively reinstated to service members who have lost their GI Bill privileges
Shall be retroactively granted to servicemembers or surviving NOK who were denied the GI Bill for reasons other than discharge status, or active-duty time
The 401k for life shall receive a base 25% contribution of base pay from the DoD
Additionally, the DoD shall match 100% of servicemember elected contributions
Servicemembers may elect up to 25% of their base pay, so long as they can prove to their respective Finance Department, all personal expenses can still be met
20 years of service shall allow for a guaranteed pension at 50% of the highest base pay earned
40 years of service shall allow for a guaranteed pension at 100% of the highest base pay earned
Every year beyond 20 years of service shall accrue 2% additional pension, cumulatively until the 40-year mark at 100% total pension
Servicemembers may draw from their 401k for life and pension should they meet the necessary requirements for a pension
Rental properties, and other off base housing entities must offer fair market value to military personnel regardless of known BAS, or BAH funds a servicemember should receive
Childcare Services
All military installations must provide onsite child care services, or fully cover the cost of childcare for service members
Service members, must select child care providers from an approved list set forth by the local military housing office
Veterans Benefits, VA
All veterans who have served at least 1 full contract shall receive full access to the VA including, medical, dental, vision, and mental health for life
The VA shall receive funding sufficient to expand its network and personnel to accommodate the increase of eligible veterans
The VA Shall offer shelter, and care to all veterans
Homeless veterans who are taking shelter may receive 3 meals from VA dining facilities at no cost
Veterans who suffer from chronic homelessness shall be assigned case workers to help establish stable financial status
All servicemembers who suffer from PTSD, or other deployment related hardships shall receive no less than a 50% rating from the VA