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Modernization initiative for the following

High Speed Rail and Distribution Hubs

  • Investment into a transcontinental High Speed Rail system for both civilian travel, and transportation of goods.

  • Distribution hubs every 500 miles from coast to coast above the 45th parallel and between 45th – 40th, 40th – 35th, and 35th – 30th parallels

  • These hubs will connect longitudinally as well creating a grid for commercial rail systems and potentially for similar civilian travel routes.

  • The hubs will allow for Freight to be transported via truck in 250-mile radii drastically improving work life balance for trucker drivers, associated industries, and improve their efficiency and delivery times.

  • These centers, and hubs will dramatically increase the economic impact of the states that have these hubs established turning less populated areas into thriving industrial areas

  • Environmental impact will be taken into consideration

  • All technologies will be based off of green energy options

Fiber Optic Internet

  • Modernizing the entire nations internet infrastructure to become Fiber Optic

  • Federalizing the internet

  • Drastic improvements to networks for both civilian and industrial needs.

  • Long overdue upgrade to government systems

  • Rural areas will have access to the same high-speed internet as populated zones.

  • The longevity of fiber optic lines will meet or exceed current copper lines used for the internet

  • Additionally technological advancements will utilize existing infrastructure

Smart Highways

  • Turning all of our paved areas into solar energy creating surfaces

  • Can integrate all fiber optic initiatives as well

  • Guaranteed network access in even the most remote parts of the country

  • Drastically reduces the impact of natural disasters on aging power grids

  • Can divert energy from high sunshine areas, to locations in distress

  • Can become a net exporter of energy as storage technologies improve

  • Smart highways can also be used to charge electric vehicles

  • Major incentive to transition into electric vehicle usage and development

  • Each dollar spent on highways currently returns around $7, with smart systems the return on investment is exponential

Modernization of Schools, Hospitals, Libraries, etc.

  • Invest funds from gathered taxes due to: High Speed Rail, Smart Highways, Fiber Optic Internet, Federalization Programs, Legalization of Cannabis, etc. to modernize and improve all schools, libraries, and hospitals in the nation

  • Job creation in the Trade sector for guaranteed projects stretching for at least a decade

  • High skilled, high wage jobs drastically impact economies at all levels

  • With Universal Education initiatives, no incurred debt, and immediate job skills through apprenticeship programs

Clean Energy Initiatives

  • Complete divestment from fossil fuels by 2035

  • All non-federalized entities shall be given tax credits to develop clean energy technologies in all related fields

  • Smart Highways alone can generate all of the energy needs of American Citizens, Businesses, and government agencies

  • Hydrogen fuel, Thorium, etc. for all modes of transportation including, land, sea, air, and space

Land, Air, Sea, and Space Travel

  • Federalization of all transportation services, including but not limited to: air travel, rail, and public transportation (taxis, uber, etc.)

  • Elimination of Toll Roads

  • Implementation of Clean Energy Initiatives for all modes of transportation

  • Significant budget increases for the Department of Transportation and NASA

  • Reappropriated funds from bloated military spending

  • Increased tax revenues can be utilized for budget increases as well

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