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Department of State Funding

The Department of State, and associated agencies shall receive budget increases to meet the demands of foreign relations, and diplomacy building across the globe. The funding shall not exceed Defense Spending unless proposals are deemed critical to ensure Global Peace and Stability.

Embassy Funding, Staffing, Support

  • All US Embassies shall be built and maintained to the highest construction standards, whether they meet or exceed current building standards within the US

  • All US Embassies shall have sufficient staff, and military support to ensure diplomatic relations can be carried out, or exfil operations can be achieved on site

  • All US Embassies shall have the support of any nearby military emplacements to facilitate diplomatic relations such as foreign aid, humanitarian efforts, or military intervention

Diplomatic Budget

  • The diplomatic budget shall meet all of the needs to finance robust embassies, and empower US Diplomats to engage in diplomatic entreaties, or inducements that are in line with US interests

  • Diplomatic spending shall always adhere to the scrutiny imposed by audits, and where possible be open to the public for transparency

  • Seized assets of foreign criminals shall be allocated to the State Department as the first line of funding, whereas all additional funds shall follow Constitutional guidelines

Foreign Protections of Staff

  • All US Citizens, and foreign nationals employed by the US Embassies, or working with US forces, shall receive the same protections, unilaterally, under US Law

  • All staff, or employees direct or indirect by the Federal Government, shall have the right and authority to press charges against foreign entities, and sue them for damages

  • In the case of assault, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or rape of a US employee, by a foreign entity, the US shall have the right to prosecute those guilty parties under US laws, and as a baseline for continued diplomatic relations including aid, and humanitarian efforts, economic treaties, and others

Interdepartmental Support

  • The State Department shall have direct liaisons with other departments of the government to expedite procurements, assets, or support to improve, or react to diplomatic or foreign relations

Foreign Policy

  • US Foreign Policy shall focus on the stabilization of Developing Economies in such a way that it empowers the population impacted, and shall never overly benefit US industrial investment, or result in exclusive employment of US Personnel

  • Counter terrorism efforts shall continue in the African theater under the common cause of Global Security and Human Rights

  • The US Shall invest in greater diplomatic, and economic relationships with Sovereign States that have a history of Democratic success, strong Human Rights scores, irrespective of economic, or strategic gains for the US Government

  • US Interventionism shall be a secondary policy in all cases while peaceful diplomatic relations are established, and can be ethically maintained

  • US relations with all foreign powers shall require strong Human Rights scores to remain intact, otherwise the US shall engage in sanctions, or Interventionism to ensure those scores improve

  • All US Military Actions voted on by Congress shall require that all members of Congress spend at least 7 days in the theater of combat, in a front-line position whether combat or medical within the first 14 days of military action

  • POTUS will be similarly expected to be present at the theater of combat but may stay at a strategic position rather than a front-line combat or medical position

  • This is to ensure that the human cost of war is never lost on our government, and that the choice to engage in an extended military action is not taken lightly, for personal gain, furtherance of political agendas, or other such indiscretions. The Cost of War is a very high price to pay and it shall not be taken lightly.

  • The US will severe all ties to Israel, and cease all weapons sales/transfers effective immediately.

  • The US will restore Palestinian Sovreignty, dissolve the nation of Israel, and allow Jewish/Native Israeli citizens to relocate to the United States under strict conditions of non aggression, and a renouncing of all Zionist beliefs or activities.


  • Engage in constructive dialogue and diplomacy to address areas of mutual interest and concern.

  • Encourage fair and reciprocal trade practices while protecting national economic interests.

  • Advocate for human rights, rule of law, and freedom of expression, promoting shared values.

  • Strengthen cooperation on global issues such as climate change, public health, and nuclear nonproliferation.

  • Monitor and address cybersecurity threats, intellectual property rights violations, and unfair technology transfers.


  • Promote balanced and mutually beneficial trade relations with China, ensuring fair competition and protection of intellectual property rights.

  • Encourage market access for both goods and services, seeking to remove trade barriers and improve regulatory transparency.

  • Strengthen collaboration in innovation and technology, fostering partnerships in research and development.

  • Address trade imbalances through dialogue and negotiation, aiming for a level playing field.

  • Foster cultural exchanges and understanding between the two nations to enhance long-term cooperation.


  • Maintain a firm and principled approach while engaging in diplomatic dialogue to address disagreements.

  • Promote respect for international law and territorial integrity, including addressing concerns related to Crimea and Ukraine.

  • Encourage democratic governance, protection of human rights, and freedom of expression.

  • Strengthen cybersecurity measures and cooperation to combat cyber threats.

  • Explore areas of cooperation on common interests such as arms control, counterterrorism, and regional stability.


  • Foster bilateral trade relations based on fair and reciprocal terms, with a focus on removing trade barriers and promoting market access.

  • Encourage cooperation in strategic sectors such as energy, technology, and innovation, promoting mutually beneficial investments.

  • Address trade disputes through diplomatic negotiations and adherence to international trade rules and agreements.

  • Strengthen collaboration in areas of shared interest, such as environmental protection, sustainable development, and Arctic exploration.

  • Promote cultural and people to people exchanges to enhance mutual understanding and strengthen economic ties.

Middle East:

  • Promote peace and stability through diplomatic efforts, supporting negotiated solutions to regional conflicts.

  • Engage in conflict resolution and support mediation efforts, fostering dialogue between parties.

  • Advocate for respect of human rights, religious freedom, and minority rights.

  • Support economic development, job creation, and social stability to address underlying causes of conflict.

  • Coordinate with regional partners to combat terrorism, extremism, and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.


  • Foster economic partnerships with Middle Eastern countries, leveraging strengths in energy, infrastructure, and investment opportunities.

  • Promote diversification of trade by encouraging nonenergy sectors, such as technology, tourism, and education.

  • Support sustainable development and cooperation in areas such as renewable energy, water management, and environmental conservation.

  • Facilitate cultural and educational exchanges to promote understanding and enhance economic ties.

  • Address regional conflicts and geopolitical challenges through diplomatic efforts to create a stable and conducive environment for trade.

South America:

  • Strengthen diplomatic ties and economic cooperation based on shared values and mutual interests.

  • Promote inclusive governance, democracy, and human rights.

  • Support sustainable economic development, trade, and investment opportunities.

  • Address regional challenges, such as drug trafficking, organized crime, and environmental conservation.

  • Collaborate on regional integration initiatives, infrastructure development, and social programs.


  • Enhance trade relations with South American countries, focusing on a diversified and balanced approach.

  • Facilitate market access and reduce trade barriers to promote twoway trade.

  • Promote investments in key sectors, such as energy, infrastructure, agriculture, and manufacturing.

  • Encourage collaboration in research and development, innovation, and technology transfer.

  • Foster cultural exchanges and tourism to strengthen people to people connections and promote economic cooperation.


  • Promote partnerships based on mutual respect, equality, and shared development goals.

  • Support good governance, democracy, and respect for human rights.

  • Enhance economic cooperation, trade, and investment, with a focus on sustainable development.

  • Collaborate on capacity building, education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.

  • Address regional challenges, including poverty, conflict resolution, climate change, and terrorism.


  • Promote trade and investment with African countries, focusing on sustainable and inclusive development.

  • Support infrastructure development, capacity building, and entrepreneurship to foster economic growth.

  • Facilitate market access for African products, addressing trade barriers and promoting fair trade practices.

  • Encourage public/private partnerships to leverage resources and expertise for mutual benefit.

  • Strengthen cooperation in areas such as agriculture, healthcare, education, and renewable energy to promote long-term sustainable development.

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