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Land, Water, Air Protections and Preservation


  • All future development within the US and her territories shall make minimal impacts to the local environment, seeking to preserve a maximum amount of the natural ecosystem

  • Fruit bearing trees shall be planted along roads within high pedestrian foot traffic areas to combat excessive heat, improve energy conservation, and fight hunger

  • Where fruit bearing trees are impossible, then trees or other large flora natural to the ecosystem, and that are easy to maintain shall be planted instead

  • Fracking shall be indefinitely halted, and disallowed in perpetuity

  • Whenever trees are cut down for lumber, there shall be new trees planted in their place

  • Failure to do so will incur an environmental terrorism charge, with maximum penalties

  • The process to become a national park shall be expedited such that the approval process shall belong to the Secretary of the Interior, rather than Congress

  • Entities that perform landscaping services, including but not limited to digging, expanding roads, or walkways, that are responsible for replanting grass, or other flora and fauna shall utilize seeds that are the same as, or equal to existing plant life

  • Per this regulation, such entities are liable in perpetuity to ensure that proper planting, and seeding takes place


  • All existent oil rigs, extraction, or other deep-sea mining of fossil fuels or gases shall be indefinitely halted, decommissioned and disallowed in perpetuity

  • Affected staff shall be federalized and given the opportunity to transfer to different career fields, or receive federally sponsored training into a different career field or area of study.

  • Affected businesses shall be mandated to transition into clean energy technologies or other businesses, with federal assistance for a period of 12 months

  • Water and Coastal Conservation shall become an element of the Coast Guards primary mission focus with emphasis on combating pollution, aquatic life preservation, and working with environmental agencies, industries, and similar bodies to develop safe technologies in the field of water turbines

  • All water and sewage utilities and services shall become federalized

  • Payments to cover the cost of operations, and modernization shall be at cost to the consumer

  • Water and sewage lines shall be modernized and additional federal funding shall be allocated to ensure the modernization can be accomplished within a 12-month period

  • Residential homes will receive a federal credit to hire plumbing services to modernize their water systems

  • Cities and municipalities who have suffered long term water deficiencies shall forgo payments for fresh water and sewage for a period of time equal to double the time they have gone without.

  • Furthermore, elected officials, and community leaders responsible for perpetuating these clean water shortfalls shall be charged with crimes against humanity, public endangerment, conspiracy, and domestic terrorism

  • Water preservation, conversation, and pollution clean shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior, however, liability shall always fall on the entities responsible for the pollution

  • The acceptable amount of pollution allowed to be dumped into bodies of water by industries shall henceforth, and in perpetuity be 0.

  • If industries cannot detoxify their chemical waste before dumping into bodies of water they must establish safe methods of disposal that will not harm our natural resources

  • If industries are unable to detoxify, or eliminate their pollution output using specific chemicals, or processes those chemicals and processes shall be federally banned in perpetuity, effective upon determination of inefficacy


  • Air preservation, conversation, and pollution clean shall be the responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior, however, liability shall always fall on the entities responsible for the pollution

  • The acceptable amount of pollution allowed to be emitted into the atmosphere by industries shall henceforth, and in perpetuity be 0.

  • If industries cannot detoxify their chemical waste before emitting them into the atmosphere, they must establish safe methods of disposal that will not harm our natural resources or add to existent air pollution

  • If industries are unable to detoxify, or eliminate their pollution output using specific chemicals, or processes those chemicals and processes shall be federally banned in perpetuity, effective upon determination of inefficacy

  • The secretary of the Interior shall have additional involvement in the development of clean fuel technologies and shall receive funding to increase staffing to support the research, development, and execution of these initiatives

  • All industries that implement Rooftop gardens, or at a minimum, green spaces, shall receive a perpetual 10% tax reduction, so long as all owned structures have some significant measure of green space or clean energy technology implementation

  • All government buildings, at all levels of government, shall implement Rooftop gardens wherever possible, and Green Spaces where gardens are not

  • All produce generated from Rooftop gardens shall be donated to the public via farmer’s markets, donations to local grocery stores, food banks, or charitable organizations in that order, and shall be free to the public in either circumstance

  • Industrial Green House Gas Emissions, and Carbon Emissions that have not already been covered, shall be reduced to 1ppm or less

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