All forms of banking shall become federalized and publicly owned.
Commercial banks, and other private banking financial institutions shall be converted to a singular infrastructure and merged with the US Postal Service
Paid Interest on loans shall serve to offset federal spending and taxation
Payday Loans, and other similar services shall be explicitly illegal activities
All consumer loans shall be set to 1% interest rates
Car loans shall have a maximum loan period of 10 years
All Commercial/Business Loans shall be set to 1% interest rates
Commercial loans shall have a maximum loan period of 30 years
Credit scores shall be abolished
Credit history shall be kept to determine financial burden, and debt to income ratios
Rental History shall be taken into consideration when making home buying inquiries
Reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933 to ensure that any further banking reforms, minimally, cannot reintegrate retail and investment banking
Taxable income brackets shall begin at $100,000
Effectively no persons making under $100k/ year shall be taxed at the federal level
States, counties, and other tax collecting governments shall abide by the same tax bracket system
SSI and Medicare shall be uncapped
Corporate taxable income shall begin at profits above $100,000 of net profit to be in line with income tax brackets
All corporate subsidies shall be canceled
No Stock Buybacks
No other corporate loopholes
Everything outlined in this link, shall be abolished
All current tax breaks shall be slashed and eliminated.
Only personal deductions shall be allowed
New Tax brackets shall be as follows:
$0 - $99,999.99 – Taxed at 0%
$100,000 - $199,999.99 – Taxed at 10%
$200,000 - $299,999.99 – Taxed at 15%
$300,000 - $399,999.99 – Taxed at 20%
$400,000 - $499,999.99 – Taxed at 25%
$500,000 - $999,999.99 – Taxed at 30%
$1,000,000 - $9,999,999.99 – Taxed at 40%
$10,000,000 - $99,999,999.99 – Taxed at 50%
$100,000,000 - $999,999,999.99 – Taxed at 75%
$1,000,000,000+ - Taxed at 99%
Tax Exempt entities must adhere to the following
Failure to adhere to requirements will result in a permanent revocation of tax-exempt status, and persons in leadership positions shall be barred from establishing, chairing, or working with tax exempt entities in perpetuity
Salaries shall not exceed $100,000 for any member of the entity
All received donations, funds, etc. must be spent on social, civil, or community actions
Debt Forgiveness, Cancellation
Debt forgiveness, Cancellation, and Erasure shall all be redefined singularly, to be referred to as Debt Cancellation and shall no longer incur any taxable events.
Debt Cancellation shall be the act of an institution, or government rendering null and void any additional payments to a loan, or debt
Immediate erasure of Medical and Student Loan debt, universally across the country
Every 10 years, all debts below $100k that have been faithfully paid throughout the 10-year period, shall be forgiven.
Specifically, if a home loan was issued for 30 years, and for 10 years on time payments have been made, the amortized interest shall have already been collected for that 10-year period, and the remaining principal shall be voided