Decriminalization of Drugs
All laws related to criminalizing the use or possession of illegal or controlled substances shall be nullified, and persons convicted under these laws shall be freed, their records expunged, and all rights, privileges, and freedoms restored
Impacted citizens shall also receive compensation for reintegration into society at the rate of $55,120/year prorated to the amount of time spent behind bars, on probation, or otherwise dealing with the financial, and social fallout of possession or use charges
Rehabilitation Centers shall be integrated into the Medical Industry in addition to provisions outlined in the Criminal Justice Reforms
Additionally, safe consumption centers shall be established for recovering addicts
Bars, and establishments that offer alcohol, shall institute a strict 1 alcoholic beverage/hour rule
Ending Cannabis Prohibition
Recreational use Cannabis, or products containing any amount of THC, shall taxed, and governed in the same manner as alcohol or tobacco at the federal level
Personal growth of cannabis shall be allowed
Becoming a licensed distributor of Cannabis products shall follow the same rules as establishing an LLC within the state the prospective distributor resides, or intends to do business
For online businesses, federal standards of safety must be adhered to
Reinstating Hemp Production into the Economy
Hemp related agriculture shall be integrated, at scale to the US economy and be taxed at a blanket rate of 20%
As of 2021 the price/lbs of Flower, Grain, and Fiber yields were as follows:
$39.60 for flower
$1.51 for grain
$1.50 for fiber
These rates shall continue to be utilized, allowing for natural market trends
Potential yields at the proportionate rate of total harvest landmass occupied per hemp product planted, or harvested, per yield are as follows:
180,168,991,930.94 pounds Utilized Product Floral % of total harvest
39,941,949,960.05 pounds Utilized Product Grain % of total harvest
303,528,327,916.05 pounds Utilized Product Fiber % of total harvest
$7,650,296,916,779.02 Total Value of Utilized Production
$1,530,059,383,355.80 Federal tax income (20% blanket tax rate)
$6,120,237,533,423.21 Net profit for hemp products
There is a very real possibility that Hemp can generate $1.5 trillion in revenues per harvest, up to several harvest per year, and should be explicitly reintegrated into our nations economy