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Leave of Absence from the Work Place Provisions

  • At the start of any Pandemic Event within the United States, whether contained to a single individual, or across the several states, affected areas shall be mandated to quarantine indoors,

  • To ensure reduction of risk, strict adherence to the Workplace Bill of Rights shall be enforced

Industry Pandemic Response Plan Requirements

  • All industries must have a Pandemic Response Plan that will showcase the ability to stay in business, or the hardships that would incur due to cessation of operations

  • Industries shall implement Remote Work provisions whenever, and wherever possible in response to a pandemic, and are highly encouraged to do so as part of normal operations

Industry Responsibilities

  • All Industries that can convert their manufacturing capabilities to medicine, medical products, or in support of medical services shall be commissioned to do so for the duration of a Pandemic Event, and must adhere to the health and safety standards necessary to do so

  • Industries that are commissioned shall receive federal support to expedite, and finance the transition, ensure the health and safety standards are met

Financial Relief

Ongoing Salary Payment/Rent, Loan, Misc. Payment Relief

  • Industries who rely on, or have employees who must perform on site activities such as, but not limited to, manufacturers of goods, and warehouses, shall receive Federal Aid to cover the cost of salary for affected employees, but shall be responsible for employees’ salaries that can perform remote work

  • Failure, or unwillingness to do so will result in charges of Crimes Against Humanity, Public Endangerment, and Federal Biological Weapons Crimes

Unemployment Expansion

  • The Federal Government will augment Unemployment payments at the same rates as during the COVID 19 Pandemic Response in 202

Cost of Care

  • Any costs associated with treatment, or care in response to pandemic related illness, or suspected pandemic related illness shall incur no charges to the patient

Access to Preventative Measures and Medication

  • Medical devices such as N-90 masks, vaccinations, medications, and other measures to prevent, or mitigate the spread of the pandemic event shall be made publicly available for the duration of a pandemic event

  • These products shall be commissioned by the Federal government and delivered in order of precedence based on severity of impact the pandemic event has on a location with the end goal to distribute to 100% of inhabitants

National Safety Provisions

Public Transit

  • Public Transit shall be utilized for Essential Personnel only, adhering to Pandemic Provisions of health, safety, separation, etc. during a Pandemic Event

  • For the health and safety of the general populace, especially in dense population centers, face coverings such as masks, or similar shall become mandatory when utilizing public transit, air travel, or rail systems

Essential Worker Designation, Protections

Healthcare Workers

  • Healthcare Workers shall be paid hazardous duty pay at a rate of 2x normal pay for the duration of a Pandemic Event

  • Healthcare Workers shall not be mandated to work more than 60 hours in a given week, or 12 hours in a given day

  • Overtime pay shall follow the provisions of the Workers Bill of Rights at the assumed rate of the Hazardous Pay

  • Healthcare Workers shall be exempt from all property taxes, income taxes, interest payments on loans, receive Child Care credits, and dependents shall receive free healthcare and education for the duration of a Pandemic Event

  • Healthcare Workers shall have priority access to medical devices, and medications to either treat victims, or inoculate themselves against the pandemic event

  • Healthcare Workers who die during a Pandemic Event shall be memorialized in the Nation’s Capital, and at their respective State Capitol with their name, and job title

  • Survivors, or beneficiaries of fallen Health Care Workers, shall receive a lifetime payout of their Hazardous Duty Pay Rate at triple rate, to be distributed evenly if not otherwise designated

  • Direct Dependents of fallen health care workers shall:

  • Be exempt from paying interest on loans on: Primary Residence, Auto Loans, and up to one business loan

  • Receive free health care, and education for life

  • Receive Federal Credits for Child Care services

Corrections Provisions and Protocols

  • Corrections Workers shall be paid hazardous duty pay at a rate of 2x normal pay for the duration of a Pandemic Event

  • Corrections Workers shall not be mandated to work more than 60 hours in a given week, or 12 hours in a given day

  • Overtime pay shall follow the provisions of the Workers Bill of Rights at the assumed rate of the Hazardous Pay

  • Corrections Workers shall be exempt from all property taxes, income taxes, interest payments on loans, receive Child Care credits, and dependents shall receive free healthcare and education for the duration of a Pandemic Event

  • Corrections Workers shall have priority access to medical devices, and medications to either treat victims, or inoculate themselves against the pandemic event

  • Corrections Workers who die during a Pandemic Event shall be memorialized in the Nation’s Capital, and at their respective State Capitol with their name, and job title

  • Survivors, or beneficiaries of fallen Corrections Workers, shall receive a lifetime payout of their Hazardous Duty Pay Rate at triple rate, to be distributed evenly if not otherwise designated

  • Direct Dependents of fallen Corrections Workers shall:

  • Be exempt from paying interest on loans on: Primary Residence, Auto Loans, and up to one business loan

  • Receive free health care, and education for life

  • Receive Federal Credits for Child Care services

  • Inmates, detainees, and other persons being held by the State shall be isolated as follows:

  • All level 3 or higher prisoners, inmates, or detainees shall be placed in their own cell or may be transferred to other facilities with securable confinement spaces if the current facility doesn’t have enough

  • All level 2 or lower prisoners, inmates, or detainees shall be placed in their own cell if possible, or the State Department of Corrections shall commission local Hotels, Motels, and similar entities for isolation at their designated costs per day, week, or month

  • Facilities must be able to lock doors, secure windows, and secure ventilation

  • All pending arraignments, or flight risks shall be confined to house arrest or Own Recognizance respective to their risk or threat

Other Essential Workers Designees

  • Essential Workers shall be paid hazardous duty pay at a rate of 2x normal pay for the duration of a Pandemic Event

  • Essential Workers shall not be mandated to work more than 60 hours in a given week, or 12 hours in a given day

  • Overtime pay shall follow the provisions of the Workers Bill of Rights at the assumed rate of the Hazardous Pay

  • Essential Workers shall be exempt from all property taxes, income taxes, interest payments on loans, receive Child Care credits, and dependents shall receive free healthcare and education for the duration of a Pandemic Event

  • Essential Workers shall have priority access to medical devices, and medications to either treat victims, or inoculate themselves against the pandemic event

  • Essential Workers who die during a Pandemic Event shall be memorialized in the Nation’s Capital, and at their respective State Capitol with their name, and job title

  • Survivors, or beneficiaries of fallen Essential Workers, shall receive a lifetime payout of their Hazardous Duty Pay Rate at triple rate, to be distributed evenly if not otherwise designated

  • Direct Dependents of fallen Corrections Workers shall:

  • Be exempt from paying interest on loans on: Primary Residence, Auto Loans, and up to one business loan

  • Receive free health care, and education for life

  • Receive Federal Credits for Child Care services

Education Provisions

  • For all levels of education, private or public, during the duration of a Pandemic Event, all educational programs must be through Remote Means

  • All other provisions outlined in Education Reforms shall be adhered to

General Public Safety

  • For the duration of a Pandemic Event, isolation, quarantine, mandatory masking, and other health and safety protocols shall be strictly enforced

  • Home Delivery services of groceries, and meals shall receive federal funding and Essential Worker Status for the duration of a Pandemic Event

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